Friday, July 24, 2009

Long time

since i was on here! So i stopped doing much of anything for a while as i got a full time job, did that for around 6 weeks and then quit. It was just impossible to try and learn a job via email and telephone, and to have different boundaries each and every day, so i had to give it the flick. I have since put in for some temping work so will see how that pans out.

Just got back from Cairns on Wednesday. It was school hols and Tony got called back to work so it was just the boys and I so we spoke about it on the Sunday, confirmed and booked flights on Monday and drove to Brisbane and then flew to Cairns on Wednesday. Had a great time and the boys had a ball at the croc park and again on the skyrail and Kuranda Train. We were to go out to the reef but that just didnt end up happening. So now after a week of outings, the boys are driving me crazy here at home, cause as you know, there just isnt anything to do!!!! Roll on Monday!!!

Cams having his first birthday party (he is 6 this year) so i have been trying to get that sorted since i got home. So far i have got the bouncing castle booked and the invitations done. Love the invites, i used Timeless Templates to do these, and Papertrey PP. They are so fun!! Also did a Template from last month and a couple of cards using October Afternoon Cherry Hill Papers that i just got from Emmas Paperie.

Well, thats it from me, trying to get my creative time fix before the big houseclean up starts when the kids go back to school Monday.
